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Ann Anderson
Executive Director
The Code Of Creation Project

Dear Reader

     I am sharing this story with you, "The Twin Sisters" knowing it might challenge you a bit (as it did me) move you emotionally - and possibly answer a few questions about your future life. It sure answered some big questions for me. 


     It's the kind of story you can't UNHEAR after you hear it. I guess we just know when something valuable comes along and starts improving life for the better.  



The Twin Sisters

     On a beautiful, spring evening 40 years ago two young sisters celebrated their tenth birthday. The gifts they received were thoughtful but humble – the family was not rich.


     Sarah and Sandy were identical twin girls. They loved to dress up, dance and sing together and hang out with their friends. They had good manners and an equal share of energy and charm. So as their teenage years came and went they grew into attractive young ladies, filled with hopes and dreams.


     Recently, they both returned home for the weekend, to visit friends and family for Thanksgiving.


     They were still very much alike. Both had moved away to bigger cities in search of the life they imagined as teenagers. Both had gotten married and had two children of their own.


     But there was a difference. One of the identical twins (Sarah) was struggling – she felt lost and fearful – she doubted herself - questioned her purpose and her life choices - yet, she was hesitant to accept HELP from anyone. Her confidence would come and go, financial struggles were ongoing and her health was showing similar signs of distress. This contributed to a long series of losses in business, in personal relationships, and in her marriage.


     The other identical twin (Sandy) was a very creative, successful woman who was energetic and confident - enjoying good health, abundant economic success and a degree of celebrity in her line of work. She was enjoying life and all the rewards that come with happy, productive relationships. She found joy in her creativity and that joy seemed to be written on her face. 






     Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives? It isn’t that one person wants to achieve their goals – wants to be happy and prosperous and the other one doesn’t.


     The difference is in what a person KNOWS and how he or she makes use of that knowledge. And what knowledge could be more valuable than KNOWING HOW TO CREATE WHAT YOU REALLY NEED AND WANT IN LIFE?


     The clear difference was that Sandy had a clear understanding of HOW TO CREATE what she wanted and Sarah did not. Sarah resisted help, resisted getting the knowledge she needed, even when it was offered to her kindly. And that is sad, because it did not have to be that way. We all need a little bit of help in life sooner or later. 


And that is why I want to share something with you called “The Universal Code Of Creation,” because that’s what The Code is all about: Its purpose is to give you the precise KNOWLEDGE you require to “CREATE” what you need and want in life.







     You see, the Code Of Creation is an entirely unique kind of knowledge. It is the kind of knowledge Sandy caught onto in life - and what Sarah failed to get when she needed it most. 


     It's called the "Code" because it unlocks the doors to unlimited creativity in any activity - personal affairs - business - artistic activities and more. It reveals the exact, step-by-step “creative process,” of turning your goals and dreams into REALITY.


     It’s where Art & Science finally come together with one purpose. And that purpose is to give anyone who uses it the KNOW HOW they need to create the life they want to live.  


     It reveals how the most dynamic, successful and modern thinking individuals in the world  (In Business, the Arts and Sciences) CREATE what they want.







     Each part of The Code deals with the exact next step you need to achieve what you really want to HAVE – that means your goals – your dreams. It leaves nothing to chance – it’s beyond interesting – it’s fascinating!


     Each part is presented with a high quality, wonderfully informative recording. This is where you enjoy listening to the 100% authentic and original presentation by the author of The Code Of Creation, E. Laurence Bake - the life-long artist, poet, and dedicated researcher who formulated it - and made it available to the world.  


     Step-by-step you will experience your personal, creative powers blasting wide open - revealing how fantastic – how truly amazing you and your creative abilities can be. You will hear Laurence explain and put to rest the challenges we all face when we try to make what we want become a reality. He even addresses the subject of how to let go of the people and things that, by their nature, interrupt, hinder even seek to STOP! your creativity and success. He leaves no details to chance. 


     Unlike reading a book these quality recordings contain a valuable, one-to-one, human element – real communication from a real person that you feel and experience. And unlike an expensive seminar, you can go back to them any time you want to make life better for yourself, family and friends. 


     The Universal Code Of Creation gives you all of the knowledge and practical know-how you need to improve your quality of your life – when you need it most.  







   It’s been said, “Knowledge is power.” But that statement is incomplete. YOU are the power when you have the knowledge and USE it. The Code will prove that to you conclusively.


     Last night my daughter and I were listening to Laurence reveal "Element Three" of The Code. Half way through we took a break for a moment to talk over what we had just heard – and I was amazed! I mean blown away!


     I realized how different my life would have – could have been if I had just known (at 18, or 38 or 58 years old) why so many good, decent, hard working people end up feeling left out and fearful in life, the way they do.


     I felt a deep sense of compassion and understanding for other people suddenly – I could see how and why their life was so difficult - and I felt a passionate desire to help them get the things they want out of life – because I could see how they could overcome the challenges that life presents - it was no longer a mystery to me, or my daughter. And that's why I am sharing this story now - with the hope that it might serve you or someone you care about. 







     The past - where you live - age does not matter (18 or 78) – your race – profession – how huge and fantastic or how humble your goals are - how rich or poor you are - none of that matters. All that matters is KNOWING HOW TO CREATE what you want.


     That’s why it’s called The Code Of Creation. It reveals the key principles AND the specific, practical steps that come into play when you want to HAVE something – anything in life.


     It’s about "real life" - your life and my life and that's what makes it so fascinating. It’s the key information one needs to see life improving each day. And the way it is put together and presented for you is easily understood - yet it reveals how to cut through all of the noise and confusions in life - it's about how you survive and thrive and create your FUTURE LIFE in this modern world.


     The Code also reveals how modern science is finally beginning to understand that YOU and your creative abilities are far more powerful than anyone ever dared to imagine. So you'll enjoy the real life examples - real insight Laurence provides, into how to use this priceless information to overcome the many challenges that every creative individual faces when you set out to accomplish something.


     In that regard you are not alone in this world. Every last one of us needs the knowledge necessary to create a quality life. 


     That is what the Code Of Creation is and until you have heard it fully, and used it - it's hard to imagine how powerful and useful it will be to you. It's the heart and soul of CREATIVITY in action. It's you creating your future life right here, right now in the present moment.  







     I happen to believe that knowledge like this is just too valuable, too important to be hidden behind a $500 price tag, or $2500 seminar event.  I also believe something that could help so many people should be made available to ANYONE in the world who can benefit from it, regardless of how much money they have or do not have.


If you happen to share that belief with me then you, me and the author are all on the same page.  


     That’s why the author insisted on three (3) things when it came to releasing The Code Of Creation to the public.


  1. That whoever wants this knowledge can get it with a simple donation of whatever amount they choose to contribute to the project.

  2. If they honestly can not afford a penny then they can request access free of charge.

  3. The money donated to The Universal Code Of Creation Project is to be used for worthy non-profit GOALS that help more people to CREATE A BETTER LIFE for themself and for others. 


     That way there is no need to let time, money, worry, anyone or anything prevent you from creating the life you want to live. You judge the power and value of the Universal Code for yourself by getting full, unrestricted access to it immediately.


     Make a one-time donation, or a donation amount monthly as a way of “paying it forward” for others who want to improve their life in some positive way.


     Do that and the entire presentation of The Code (complete with all recordings, dedicated Member's website – everything you need to enjoy it in full) is yours to have for years to come.


     It’s also one of the most valuable and creative "PERSONAL GIFTS" you could ever give someone. Give them the gift of greater CREATIVITY and watch them grow and prosper with it.


     You can select the GIFT link provided and we will make sure they receive it and let them know who was kind enough to send them their gift.







     There was one more thing the author insisted on when he agreed to release this presentation. He wants you to know that if The Code Of Creation does not help you on your path, he wants you to receive a FULL 100% REFUND of your one time donation.


    If you feel this is a fair and reasonable proposition - he want you to have immediate access to the full presentation and experience what you can achieve with The Code Of Creation - and what it could do to help so many others as well.


     Simply follow the DONATE link below.





     And about the identical twins, Sarah and Sandy - well, they helped prove something priceless. They were identical in many ways, but there was something that made all of the difference in the world.  


What was the difference - exactly? Now you know - it was knowledge - the precise, accurate, practical knowledge you require to create the future you want. 







     We have all heard, “Invest now - be rewarded in the future.” But as you will see, The Code Of Creation brings new meaning to those words. 


     The Code reveals something so astounding it will take you awhile to come to terms with this remarkable truth. But when you do your creative powers will skyrocket to levels you might not believe are even possible at this point. You will discover that when you use each part of The Code Of Creation properly and in sequence, then what you created is real and the rewards begin INSTANTLY. 


     You'll will see, feel and experience your new, future life starting to move closer and closer to becoming a reality right in front of your eyes. 


     Sure, big, wonderful dreams can take some time to become a fully experienced reality.


     But knowing that you are on the exact, correct, step-by-step path, then getting there is a joyous part of the big wondrous adventure. It will be you touching, feeling, and enjoying the smell of the flowers along the way, from where you are, to where you truly want to be.


     Thank you for reading this long letter. My hope is that it serves you well on your path to having what you want and more.


Wishing you happiness, joy, prosperity and a life well worth living.



Ann Anderson  



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