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The Peaceful Revolution has Begun

It's a very old story. A few elite corporations earn billions, using the talent and labor of good, honest people. Those corporate owners and their executive staff enjoy a quality life with big paychecks and prosperity, while those who do the creative work earn little to ZERO. 


This the  of the relationship between the poets of the world, big publishing, and online media giants. The giants make endless millions of dollars by persuading poets to post their work on their platforms. (Like These media giants then generate fortunes in advertising revenues, product placements, etc.




A Game Where Poets & Poetry Lovers WIN

     Imagine an online poetry sharing platform where the Poet's Of The World can write - share - interact with poetry lovers and EARN AN INCOME for their dedicated works. Impossible! some will say. But the facts, the statistics and the obvious evidence says otherwise. 


The proof is evident right before our eyes. Let's look at the poetry/story sharing platform "COMMAFUL. The "private owners" of that company raised millions of dollars from "NK Securities and angel investors including Hitesh Dhawan (Founder - Neuronimbus), Gaurav Juneja (CEO- Ruchi Twisters) and Siddharth Shah (Managing Director - Rajesh Motors)." 


Based on that one fact alone we must ask, "Why would elite Wall Street type investment firms be willing to put up millions to launch a website for poets and storytellers to POST THEIR WORK?" The answer is simple. They invest millions to earn million dollar profits. Those profits start flowing in to these big corporations the moment online traffic hits certain numbers. 


And what is the website CONTENT that brings those profits? It is YOUR POEMS - your loving dedication to your artform. 


This business model has a name now. It's called "Content Sharing Platforms" and in simple terms it means get thousands, hopefully millions of creative people to post their creations on an online platform, then watch the millions of dollars start rolling in. And this model of PAY THE CREATORS OF THE WORK LITTLE OR NOTHING AND KEEP ALL THE PROFITS is the new sweetheart model for the elites on Wall Street. It worked magic for Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, now it's Spotify and a hundred others.


These content sharing platforms have different names but the game is the same. "You do what you love, create valuable, beautiful things, THEN GIVE IT ALL TO THEM FOR FREE and let the elite owners and their highly paid staffs get on with buying expensive things for themself and family.  


A child in a sweatshop earns something, at least. But the poets the world over who are responsible for earning these elite media corporations do not desrve so much as a penny, it would seem. 


Now is that how it should be?  Is that how it has to be for poets and poetry lovers? I for one say no, it is not how it has to be. It can only exist as long as creative artists and individuals AGREE to be part of that world. That is a personal choice. 


There is an old saying that went something like, "Why bother trying to tear down what should not be. Just go and build what should be." And those were the words that gave birth to the idea of PoetsPay. 


The idea is as simple as simple can be. Build a social platform for poets and poetry lovers where ALL PROFITS GENERATED ARE SHARED WITH THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTE TO THE GROWTH OF THE PLATFORM. Imagine that, if you will, and you will have a very firm, very precise understanding of what PoetsPay is, its mission, goals and why its time has come. 


Better yet, it will help you to decide if it is something you choose to support while it is in its early construction phase, and on into the future as it launches into the public consciousness. 


PoetsPay is not just a new business model for poets/writers/storytellers of the future. It's a full on REVOLT, an outright PEACEFUL REVOLUTION. It is not a fight against anything. It is a united effort by a group of dynamic, highly creative individuals to simply create what should be, what can be - what will be. 


It's a worthy game with great potential rewards for this and for future generations of poets. Your help is needed, it is deeply appreciated and with that it just might ROCK THE POETRY/PUBLISHING/CONTENT SHARING WORLD right down to its dirty boots. 


E. lLaurence Bake 


Big poetry sites, social media groups, and big media companies have used poet's work for free and enriched themselves with billions in profit, while the poets do not receive a dime from these companies. PoetsPay is here to change that at last.




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